I wrote these about 6 or 7 years ago, the first few lines (and some of the latter ones) were loosely inspired by a friend, then went off on a twisted tangent and created (I think) quite an interesting character. The song is recorded on cassette somewhere and is pretty jolly sounding, I reckon I will re-work it and perhaps further develop the character.
Eyes of jade and teeth of gold
memories that stay untold
and you seem old
but you're not old
secrets that you keep
and melodies run deep
we never really know if you're joking
or seriously taking the piss
have you been touched by genius?
or is there something amiss?
open shirted you're perverted
you converted was it worth it?
was she dirty, really dirty?
symphonies of lies
your glamorous disguise
and we'll never really know if you meant it
if life was a game in your mind
creating a vacuous intensity
was simply a way to unwind