Friday, 6 May 2011

Putting myself out there - if you don't ask you don't get

As someone who is far from comfortable with self promotion it has taken me a while but finally, at grand the age of 32 I have some paintings in an art gallery; I always thought you had to be known already (or at least bullshit that you were an 'artist') and have always battled with doubt about my own abilities in relation to everything (especially anything I do that is creative), anyway I seem to have found some confidence and courage and it has worked - after all 'if you don't ask you don't (necessarily) get' as the saying goes and I have never asked before.

The two pieces on the right are mine, there will be a third one joining them soon (I managed to chip paint off the corner of the other one whilst carrying them to the gallery so I have since been and retouched it)

I have also been pretty productive with creating fabric designs this year, googling 'print your own fabric design' (or whatever I typed late one night) led me to and I feel I am on the way to realising a dream I have had for a long long time.  The first set of test swatches arrived the other day (after what felt like a very long wait indeed) and I am rather pleased with the results.


I have also had a go at painting in a slightly different direction to my usual, inspired by an upcoming spoonflower weekly fabric design contest 'imaginary animals' - see the little creature with the pine cone body peeking out through the other worldly flowers/trees



  1. All fantastic news! The pieces look great in the gallery space. Despite having sold my work for a good few years now I still battle with self-doubt and most of the practitioners I know do. You'd have to be super confident not to. The trick is just to do it anyway. And you have. Good for you! xxx

  2. Thanks Liz, I feel good for having done it xXx
