Continuing the theme (cells, patterns, circles, contrasting colours):
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Puff the magic dragon - growing up and coming down
I have almost always been an under achiever, sometimes I wonder if I actually gave it my all if I could truly excel at something? Statistically I am pretty average but in reality I’ve never been quite 'average' enough to fit in – my undesirable colouring, clumsy gait, and tendency to daydream made any desire to do this practically impossible and the deeply sensitive nature - I just couldn't seem to hide - from an early age didn’t help matters. I suppose that my craving to ‘fit in’ stemmed from the desire to be left alone more than anything, it’s not that I wanted to be just like everybody else at all in fact I think that even in my most tortured of times I was painfully aware that it is these so called 'differences' that made me who I was (and still am). If you watch a toddler as they explore the world you can witness the sheer delight they take in just being and their complete lack of inhibition, this brings a little sadness to my heart because I know it is that lack of inhibition and awareness that enables us to truly be ourselves. It is no surprise that so many of us turn to alcohol and other substances to help us forget ourselves and all our hang-ups, if you’ve ever gone out and stayed sober with a group of people who are getting drunk you will no doubt have noticed the striking similarity they have to small children at the end of the evening. We cannot remain drunk or otherwise forever though just like every child must grow up at some point, adolescence is the biggest come-down and I'm not sure anyone ever truly gets over it - how many so called grown-ups told you 'your school days are the best days' and other similar things? (okay perhaps school days is not the best example but you know what I'm getting at) I recall being desperate to grow up and be free to do what I want, clearly oblivious to the paradox in this. As the quote says ‘youth is wasted on the young’ - George Bernard Shaw.
'how can people stand to worry about bills, mortgage repayments and table top spills? Society please let me be a little childish and always free'
(a line I remember from something I wrote at the tender age of 17)
It appears I have somehow squeezed myself into those sensible shoes after all, no wonder my feet hurt!
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Pet shop boys cover
I decided I would do this a good while ago but only worked up to it today, the first video of me singing I have uploaded in years and the first ever where I attempt to play guitar (to sing without it to hide behind would be far too scary), anyway enough rambling.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
After the lull...
Well it's been a while so I suppose I should update or something. September with her shortening nights and grey skies has had me all unmotivated and lethargic, I've been wanting to get on and get stuff done but somehow have ended up watching vast amounts of crap on TV instead. In amongst all of that I have been busy with ebaying in an attempt to save some cash rather than spending it, also I've been to probably the best wedding I have ever been to (the hen do was excellent too - kids party games in a drunken state = much fun).
Yesterday I finally got round to tackling the painting I started a few weeks ago - I got disheartened with it (and painting in general) after I made a bad choice of colours which were pretty sickly. I am building up a series incorporating a theme I have been working on sporadically for several years and I hope to perhaps exhibit when I am happy enough with the collection. Jonny and I are off on holiday soon and I couldn't feel more ready for a break from work and a decent amount of sunlight, I'm thinking that it might be worth buying a light box too as each and every September I notice a drop in my energy levels and mood which seems to hang around until spring. I used to think it was just the old 'come-down' feeling from childhood and dreading the new term beginning and having to get up early after getting used to lying in.
Monday, 6 September 2010
Sunday, 5 September 2010
As the weekend draws to a close
I am awash with that strange dejected feeling I have experienced on Sundays since the days I would sit watching 'Last of the summer wine', The antiques roadshow (or 'junk for old gits' as my dad calls it) and 'The clothes show' (presented by Selina Scott then Caryn Franklyn if my memory serves me well) with the parentals as a child. I don't like mondays - not in a 'I'm gonna shoo oo oo oot.....the whole day down' way, I just find them like a bit of a no man's land that connects the weekend to the working week - I'm never quite there and from what I can gather, neither is anyone else. I expect if I were to get out of my cosy pit at 8am on a sunday I mightn't feel quite so blank but fuck that, I love my lie-ins and treasure the late nights I am able to have at the weekend so I think I'll stick to being blank on a monday and just look forward to tuesday when I can feel half human again.
The weekend hasn't been a total waste;
-Jonny and I watched 'Dancer in the dark' on friday night, (a film I had been avoiding watching since not long after it came out on DVD and a friend told me about it and how devastatingly sad it was). Lars Von Trier (known by us for controversial film 'The idiots') directed it and like 'Anti-christ' there were elements of the dogme 95 ethos still very present (such as the hand held camera method of filming). Dancer in the dark could not have been more different though, I don't think I have felt so moved or upset by a film in all of my life, it truly is a masterpiece and Bjork was phenomenal in it. I would recommend Dancer in the dark to everyone although I don't think I could bring myself to watch it again, holding back tears was futile and the pain in my gut was terrible.
-On a more mundane note, I put a few more things on ebay and this time managed not to cave in and buy anything else.
-I have started another painting and so far it is looking ok.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
A much covered song
Heard this last night, it was at the end of French film 'A Prophet', I thought it was a nice take on the old classic.
...Just had a look on wiki and discovered that the song (originally in German) was composed by Kurt Weill with lyrics by Bertolt Brecht (Brecht performed on the original recording). Bobby Darin's rendition is cited by many as being the definitive version.
Monday, 30 August 2010
The trouble with ebay...
Is that while you're trying to save a little cash for holidays/driving lessons/christmas by selling such things as the shell suit jacket I bought a couple of years back for my Jimmy Savile (yes there is actually only the one 'l' in his name) Halloween costume there is just far too much temptation. I couldn't resist bidding on this cardigan which I have been after for ages - since I saw Stacey's mum wearing one in Eastenders at the start of the year. So there are benefits to watching that rubbish too...
A few hours of painting...
I think this is finished although as usual I am not sure but I've decided to leave it alone for now as if I don't (as is often the case) I fear I may over do it.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Inspiration for sunday
After an unintentional lie in I woke up feeling like doing some more painting, inspired by the piece of fabric I bought a few years ago but only recently had made into a wall hanging (thank you Elsa)
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Tree rings fabric in natural by Martha negley |
I particularly liked the aboriginal designs which it states are taken from art by Aboriginal artists with each design having a story behind it. This one in caught my eye:
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Glider moon And these; Water dreaming, green Yalke, blue So for the rest of this blustery sunday I intend to get on with some creative activity. |
Friday, 27 August 2010
wise words
It was actually my Dad who first made me aware of this poem and I think we can probably all relate to it:
This Be the Verse
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself
Talking with friends, family, work colleagues and clients alike it seems that all of us at some certain points in our lives and for varying lengths of time, look at the flaws we have and view them as a result of our parenting. We are all undeniably affected by a combination of nature and nurture (which has the most power over who we are is the eternal debate) but there comes a point when taking responsibility for who we are and how we live our lives is essential for our growth as individuals. Of course there will still be those times when mother or father's past actions are called upon to account for one's negative reactions, habits or behaviour, in the end though we only have ourselves to answer to and in accepting responsibility for ourselves and all that we do, we are paving the way to being free from the baggage that weighs us down and hopefully closer to self fulfilment.
This article rings true with me:
"Get out of my dreams..."
This song and video could only have happened in the 80s, imagine if a man actually used that line to chat someone up - they'd probably think he was a sex pervert and run away.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Heard this on CSI last night and thought it was The Knife - I was almost right it turned out to be the singer's solo project. As ashamed as I am to have been sucked into another TV programme at least it has benefits - some of the music is decent and it's actually good.
Monday, 23 August 2010
New beginning - older brain
After several years away from pouring out the contents of my head in the form of observations, anecdotes, lists and vague poems I decided that I kind of miss it so hopefully it will come easily to me and I will actually get back into it.
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