Sunday 5 September 2010

As the weekend draws to a close

   I am awash with that strange dejected feeling I have experienced on Sundays since the days I would sit watching 'Last of the summer wine', The antiques roadshow (or 'junk for old gits' as my dad calls it) and 'The clothes show' (presented by Selina Scott then Caryn Franklyn if my memory serves me well) with the parentals as a child.  I don't like mondays - not in a 'I'm gonna shoo oo oo oot.....the whole day down' way, I just find them like a bit of a no man's land that connects the weekend to the working week - I'm never quite there and from what I can gather, neither is anyone else.  I expect if I were to get out of my cosy pit at 8am on a sunday I mightn't feel quite so blank but fuck that, I love my lie-ins and treasure the late nights I am able to have at the weekend so I think I'll stick to being blank on a monday and just look forward to tuesday when I can feel half human again.

   The weekend hasn't been a total waste;
-Jonny and I watched 'Dancer in the dark' on friday night, (a film I had been avoiding watching since not long after it came out on DVD and a friend told me about it and how devastatingly sad it was). Lars Von Trier (known by us for controversial film 'The idiots') directed it and like 'Anti-christ' there were elements of the dogme 95 ethos still very present (such as the hand held camera method of filming).  Dancer in the dark could not have been more different though, I don't think I have felt so moved or upset by a film in all of my life, it truly is a masterpiece and Bjork was phenomenal in it.  I would recommend Dancer in the dark to everyone although I don't think I could bring myself to watch it again, holding back tears was futile and the pain in my gut was terrible.
-On a more mundane note, I put a few more things on ebay and this time managed not to cave in and buy anything else.
-I have started another painting and so far it is looking ok. 

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